Saturday, January 03, 2009


"The refusal to belong to any school of thought, the repudiation of the adequacy of any body of beliefs whatsoever, and especially of systems, and a marked dissatisfaction with traditional philosophy as superficial, academic, and remote from life."

Existentialism, as described by Walter Kaufmann
(philosopher, translator, and poet)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Note

I felt compelled to inform you that I no longer own some of the views I've expressed in previous blog-entries.

Thank you.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Venus Project

The Venus Project : The Redesign Of A Culture

Please further your knowledge on The Venus Project and a Resource-Based Economy.

Zeitgeist: Addendum

(Click here to go to the host page to view this film in a larger format)

Actions For Social Transformation:

1. Expose the Fed Cartel
(Boycott Citibank, JP Morgan Chase & Bank of America)

2. Boycott the News Networks (CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, etc)
*Use and protect the internet!

3. Boycott the Military

4. Boycott the Energy Companies
*Get off the grid and make your home and car self-sustainable

5. Reject the Political System
*Focus on working to dissolve the outdated system of politics in favor of technological redesign.

6. Create Critical Mass

*All information in this post was taken directly from the film Zeitgeist: Addendum

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008

"The person that loses their conscience has nothing left worth keeping."
~Izaak Walton

Monday, March 24, 2008

Earth Day 2008

March 29th, 2008
8:00 PM

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Constellations, The Zodiac & Astrology

Let's talk about the stars. Specifically, constellations, the zodiac and astrology. I have always been fascinated by the night sky, by the mysteriousness of space. When it's dark, I can look up at the sky and imagine that I am floating among the stars, one with the universe. Maybe I find the subject of space so appealing because there is still so much that is not known, that is undiscovered? There is still a mystery in that humans will never be able to travel the universe in their current form because there are limits with this type of beingness. However, part of what humans do know is how to classify things and box them up. Linear thinking.

A constellation is basically a formation of stars that make a design in the sky. With a great amount of imagination one can see in them an ancient mythological god, animal/creature or random object. There are officially 88 of these, ranging from a crab to a sea goat to a queen. How completely terrestrial of us to label the sky based on our limited perspective of the universe! For example, in the constellation, Capricornus, two stars that look close together (Alpha) are actually hundreds of light years apart from one another. Meaning that if one were to travel into space, the constellation would completely lose it's shape. And any supposed meaning associated with it.

Next, the zodiac. Here is what's actually happening: Earth orbits around the Sun every 365 1/4 days. But from our (limited!) viewpoint on Earth, it appears that the Sun is following a path around a celestial sphere, the ecliptic. Meaning, the dozen constellations that are in the background of the Sun's path on this imaginary band are called the zodiac.

Here is where astrology comes in. Ancient astronomers believed that the position of the Sun within the constellations held special importance. Based on which constellation the sun was in at the time of a person's birth, determined personal characteristics and what kind of life that person would lead. Currently, because of the Earth's precession (the slight gyration of the axis in space), the sun actually passes through this supposed celestial path of constellations a month earlier than it did over 2,000 years ago! Today's astrology is based on a cycle that is outdated by two milleniums!

For sheer entertainment purposes, I will list each zodiac constellation by the actual dates the sun "passes" through them in the current year:

ARIES: April 19-May 14
(formerly March 21-April 19)

TAURUS: May 14th-June 21
(formerly April 20-May 20)

GEMINI: June 21-July 21
(formerly May 21-June 21)

CANCER: July 21-August 11
(formerly June 22-July 22)

LEO: August 11- September 17
(formerly July 23-August 22)

VIRGO: September 17-October 31
(formerly August 23-September 22)

LIBRA: October 31-November 23
(formerly September 23-October 22)

SCORPIO: Novermber 23-November 30 (only 7 days!)
(formerly October 23-November 21)

*OPHIUCHUS: November 30-December 18

SAGITTARIUS: December 18-January 19
(formerly November 22-December 21)

CAPRICORN(US): January 19-February 16
(formerly December 22-January 19)

AQUARIUS: February 16-March 12
(formerly January 20-February 18)

PISCES: March 12-April 19
(formerly February 19-March 20)

(Please note that each cycle varies by a day or two depending upon the leap year.)

*OPHIUCHUS is the thirteenth constellation. This constellation became a part of the celestial ecliptic because of the precession of the Earth.

In conclusion: To hold truth in constellations, the zodiac and astrology is to believe that the universe is FLAT!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

An Unfortunate Flaw

How strong one's convictions are against those they are connected.
The bond much deeper, the cut that much more cunning.
To say through ultimatum what they won't stand for--

But have they considered the contradiction?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

"Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die."
~Malachy McCourt

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Resentment, jealousy and anger are by far the most crippling human characteristics. They are the ultimate symbol of mental and spiritual stagnation. By carrying such a senseless burden, one is weighted so greatly that they become rooted to these convictions and are unable to spiritually blossom. But perhaps this is their intention? Weak beings tend to prey on others by attempting to break them down, to punish them for offending them in some way. An offense of words, which could be a mere misunderstanding, poor communication. Or perhaps they have simply witnessed another human being who displays characteristics that they are lacking in themselves? To be offended in itself is an unfortunate human flaw. It indicates that a person relies on the opinions and accomplishments of others to evaluate their own self-worth.

The real tragedy in holding this way of thinking is a person who endures feeling resented because they are unable to see any other choice. They mistakenly believe that by holding their insecurities against another person that they have gained superiority. And then to further their new found status, they demand an apology from the supposed offender! As if that will somehow heal their wounded ego!

So what is a progressive spiritually enlightened being to do when encountering humans with these self-imposed glitches? The only solution is to love, unconditionally. Refusing to engage in someone else's battle with themselves. To understand that most humans have not embraced their spiritual counterpart and have many lifetimes of correction ahead.

Conclusion: Better to deflect than to engage.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Observations Of The Mute


Subject often professes in great dramatics things of which they deem outrageous, but in fact, are not outrageous at all.

Subject has formed a habit of self-depreciating behavior in which they dismiss their own prior convictions to please another.

Subject boasts many important intellectual apparitions, but rarely is able to sustain them.

Subject calls on those who are similar in antics, mistaking syncopation for complementation.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Social Withdrawl Or Spiritual Growth;

A Battle Of Sorts Between The Human Being & The Spiritual Being.

Suppose that when you were born into this world, you were surrounded by absolute positivity. There were no rules, there were no judgements and there definitely were no punishments for the choices you made. You would be free to do, say or think as you wish without expectations. Anything that made you a happy and satisfied human being. Now, I am also aware of what the religious "right vs. wrong" cynic would automatically think. That humans are naturally negative (sinful, even *gasp*) beings and in the process of filling their own desires could possibly or would intentionally cause harm to others. However, I choose to think that negative human qualities such as greed, betrayal and abuse of any kind are learned behaviors. A being of whom is pure in spirit and unobstructed from loving and growing unconditionally, could not fathom negativity towards other beings. They would exist very lightly in a space of tranquility, peace and serenity.

We are all on our own unique journey to this state. Some take lifetimes to wake up, some consciously dream, while others never went to sleep at all. For me, I am in a conscious dream state. I must continue on undoing and redefining my soul's path, as a human being, without sociological corruption. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically wiping the slate clean and writing my own uncensored version. Although it may seem arduous, or even impossible to some, it is imperative in the process of the evolution to the lightest state of being. In my human form, I wonder how I will live my life as I continue on unlearning most of my earlier experiences and lessons. What if I no longer followed my so-called morals or values? And what are those based upon anyway? What if I chose to not do the polite thing, like say "Bless you" when a stranger sneezes or hold the door open for the person behind me? Maybe I won't be there physically when someone expects me to be there. Or perhaps I won't truly listen when a friend asks me to hear them. The examples I could cite in my daily, mostly unconscious, consideration of others is limitless. But suppose I make a conscious effort to ignore other humans' expectations of my predictable reactiveness to their actions. Does this make me a less compassionate person? Am I selfish because I choose to abandon my awareness of another? I must question why this is present in my cognition at all. It seems as though many play this avertible game to distract from having to think for themselves. In their minds ignorance is, in fact, bliss. Or so they tell themselves.

Am I at liberty to exist in a spiritual state of being with others who do not consider themselves the way I consider myself? Am I here to involuntarily aide in others' misguided journeys and fall down with them? Or am I here to fulfil my own aspirations, in turn inspiring others to do so as well? Could an illuminate human possibly live in peace if they chose to ignore everyone else's expectations? It seems that in this phase of humanity, a spiritual person who walks their own path will be judged, labeled and sorely misunderstood by those who do not choose to spark their own flame.

As I consciously dream, occasionally my eyes open to see a sliver of light, toward complete awakeness and in that time I am stepping into my own serene universe. In this state, it never enters into one's mind to obligatorily smile warmly at a passerby. Confirmation of acceptance by others is not essential to the blissful existence of illuminated beings.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Throughout my lifetime, I have pondered, processed and mentally filed much information. Some my own ideas, some involving the undoing of others' misguided teachings. I have, at times, questioned and analyzed to the point of absolute absurdity. I had no choice but to question. And I have found peace with my purpose. I am a reflector of light. Any soul existing on this earth today, in human form, is well aware that their journey is not yet complete. Through relentless trials, we as humans are constantly challenged to be what we were meant to become. To find our own unique purpose. We would not exist in this form had we been previously spiritually perfected. I have only known imperfection. And I embrace it. It is not my place to judge where others may be on their spiritual journey, nor is it my place to intrude upon it. Peace in spirituality exists only when one respects the understanding or "beliefs" of another.

In being a reflector of light, I only exist as my true self, perhaps inspiring another to do the same. While some choose to read books about spiritual enlightenment to validate themselves, others look to religion and self-proclaimed spiritual leaders for answers. And then there are those who choose to employ their energy challenging others' objectives, inadvertently neglecting their own. Through their accusations of what is "right or wrong", they reveal a dire need for further personal spiritual evaluation. I have come to realize that most humans would rather exist in naiveté. To not only trust someone else's prognosis of life, but to also follow a dictator-like social code. Fearing a consequence such as eternally damning one's soul to the mercy of a red-horned evil being. Or worse, believing in something simply because not believing is a much greater risk for them.

The fact is, the only true resolution lies within the self. The realization that we each exist in our very own universe and that we are here to fill a spiritual void. Our own unparagoned intendment.

Conclusion: Reverential fear of the unknown is the ultimate betrayal of the spirit's purpose.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Competition: Nature or nurture?

To compete is in our nature, however to engage in competition with another human being is unequivocally pointless. In terms of life experiences, personal strengths and general environmental differences, what would a contest physically or intellectually stand to prove? A sparring of words in debate is only a difference of opinion and personal education. There is no such thing as right or wrong. The way the universe is viewed by each individual being is so drastically contrastive, how do we prove that we all see the same shade of blue? We don't, we can't.

The most productive use of this lifetime would be to utilize what is in our disposition, our competitiveness, toward ourselves. Toward the self of yesterday, a month ago, a year ago. To look back in reflection and now see the fruitful evidence of growth and understanding. To be the paramount of oneself.

But then, say one becomes involved with another who simply can not fathom this precision to better themselves. Perpetual striking with words and miscommunications only serve to delay this process, while inadvertently negatively weighting the spirit. How then does one find light in the presence of one who is lacking? Understanding. By simply having the understanding that those who have falsely come to a conclusion of their own spiritual being are those who have only just begun.

Conclusion: Reflect, learn, improve, grow, evolve.

Friday, February 16, 2007

"Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light."

Unknown (from a Yogi Tea bag)


One whose spiritual journey has lead them, roundabout, back to where their original step began, is one who has misplaced their purpose. Truly, one may spend a lifetime though repetitive movements and steps in a dance they have not yet practiced, but should know by heart. A dance that has been inscribed within the soul many lives before. Like the child who never learns the fire is hot and burns his fingers, most roam lifetimes living fallaciously blind. In this place we are inhabiting, between worlds, we must learn from our mistakes and correct them. We must tune into our inner intuition and also forsee said mistakes. We must fill our purpose, our true immaterial, unemotional, light-filled purpose.

Conclusion: Meditate. Accept peace. Breathe love.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow US poet (1807 - 1882)

To judge oneself or another is to crucify. To incessantly press unnecessary torment and frustration. For those who choose to judge, reflect only a lack of character and awareness within themselves. Judgement is merely mental excess of personal insecurities and ambitious malevolence. To overcome this, we must learn first, our own inadequacies and second, our intention to act on correcting said inadequacies. Focusing on taking responsibility for one's shortcomings is highly effective in preventing the pitfall of the ever infamous deflection of blame. As for the quote I've chosen to cite, how very true! If one fails to give credit to another based on past personal narrative, is that not a contradictory to one's own spirit? To augment this in the self, one must have compassion and understanding for another's journey.

Conclusion: In judging others, we discredit and judge ourselves.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"Belief is a beautiful armor
But makes for the heaviest sword..."


The word, "belief", is very perplexing and completely unfounded . To clarify, belief is defined as "confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof".* Meaning that belief is temporal and cannot be proven. That one who is possessed by such strong convictions in faith, religion, and/or personal politics holds no actual truth in their own being. Belief becomes a burden to one's own preconceived notions of what is merely held as a glorified opinion with no factual substance. In the eyes of the blinded successor, admission to defy such beliefs would mean to dishonor the originator. Belief induces war. Belief encourages hate. Belief impedes peace.

Conclusion: Spiritual peace arrives in the acknowledgment and eventual acceptance of one's own personal truth.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

~Mahatma Gandhi

As of late, many purported "well-wishers" have encouraged me to care for myself through this very intricate time in my life. Who's to suppose this was not previously existing? I do not see personal tragedies as cause to heighten one's own selfish desires. Never will I understand a man who feels that to find peace within himself, his only concern should be that of his own personal affairs and claimed enigmas. Selfishness in one's journey only serves a singular purpose; unnecessary repetition. It takes twice the effort to defeat the ego, which in turn, is also an exhaustion of invaluable 'time'. Space in which an intention to act would serve to satisfy others while incidentally satisfying the self as well.

Conclusion: Self-exploration, which is executed through isolated egocentric gain, will cost twice as much and produce half the result.